최근 들어 에세이는, 특히 명문대 입학에서 관건으로 등장하고 있습니다.
하지만 미국 입학에 경험이 적은 학생/학부모로서는 당황할 수 밖에 없습니다.
글로벌 에듀뉴스에서는 아래와 같은 칼리지 에세이 서비스를 유료로 제공합니다.
요약하면, 총 13.5시간 동안 두개의 500단어 퍼즈널 에세이와 150단어 퍼즈널 에세이를 작성하도록 도와드립니다.
하버드 대학에 재학 중인 입증된 선생님이 도와드립니다. 관심이 있는 분은 Editor@GlobalEdunews.org 로 연락바랍니다.
전화 문의는 되지 않으니 이메일로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.
글로벌에듀뉴스 바로가기 (Click!)
Global Edunews College Essay Service
Goal : To create two 500-word personal essays, as well as a 150-word short personal statement,
for use in the Common App and supplemental sections of university applications.
Schedule : The essay-writing process will begin at the end of July or the beginning of August, and will end at the end of October, so that the essays will be completed in time for early decision or early action opportunities. This gives us around twelve weeks.
1st week: Reviewing my resume and personal essays, to see their weak and strong points, and how they completed my application 1.5 hr
2nd week: Brainstorming and choosing essay topics (at least three) 1 hr
3rd-4th week: Writing 150-word personal statements about the chosen essay topics; choosing the ones to expand into 500-word essays 2 hrs
5th-8th week: Writing the rough drafts, and editing! Both essays will undergo at least two rounds of edits. 6 hrs
9th week: Revisit the 150-word personal statements, and make final edits. 1 hr
10th-11th week: Final edits of the 500-word essays 2 hrs
12th week: SUBMISSIONS
Total : About 13.5 hrs
Expectations : Writing good college essays will take a long time.
If I don’t get the work on time, however,
I cannot give the comments and edits necessary to make it better, so please be prompt with your drafts and ideas,
and I will be prompt as well with my edits.
Tentative Schedule : Each week’s writing assignments will be due on Friday, and I will have edits to you by Sunday night
(all times US East Coast time, Korea-13 hrs).